Color of Woman is a Quest all the work we do together is approached from within the context that you are on your own personal quest to search for YOUR own unique content, as well as the quest to become an Intentional Creativity® Teacher.
During the training we will be journeying through five terrains, moving around a medicine wheel we call The Alchemical Compass. It is alchemical because so much of who we are is being transformed, integrated, and catalyzed.
As we journey into each terrain, we will explore material specific to that place. This prepares us for the next part of the path, building the body of work required for Intentional Creativity® Teacher Certification in painting, writing, and actions that open your future.
You will create 5 major archetypal paintings as a body of work through the context of a chosen vision for 9 months.
This transformation is so life-altering that we need a VERY clear container - hence the compass and archetypes. The intensity of the structure creates the freedom for you to explore.
If you feel you have a sacred assignment waiting to be brought forth, the training provides the container in which you define, articulate, and communicate your soul work. We are dedicated to giving you the tools to bring creativity to life in your practice and path. ~ Shiloh Sophia
Shiloh Sophia's 2020 Legend painting: Mystic Template
The Archetype which is in the heart of the compass, is your Legendary Self, your internal storyteller, and image-maker. The story of your life informs all of her choices, so we start with HER and she begins to re-organize your universe. Yes, she is where the warning label comes in!
LEGEND is the prerequisite course for Color of Woman - if you haven't taken it yet, our team will assist you with enrollment once you apply for Color of Woman.
Next, we move to Muse (North), Artist (East), Alchemist (South), and Visionary (West). By the end of the training, you arrive back at the heart of your story, the Center.
Legendary Self
Pre-Requisite in the Intentional Creativity® Method (scroll down to learn more)
Connect with the storyteller at the heart of your identity.
Gain ACCESS to the Territory of the Muse
The Story:
How will I define my quest? Gather your stories and carve a chart for your course.
The Call:
How do I navigate from within? Answer the call to adventure and learn to navigate your path.
Embody Your Power to CREATE Your Own Content
The Creation:
What was I born to create? Access your own unique content and begin to bring it into form.
The Claiming:
What is the creative life I will claim for myself? Claim yourself as a creative being worthy of a self-expressed life.
Claim Your CHOICE to Be at Cause for Transformation
The Devotion:
What and who am I devoted to? Connect with the love for your Beloveds and your Source.
The Transformation: What will I transform? Begin to live from your passionately empowered Soul Work.
CAUSE Your Soul Work in the World as Life Work
The Vision:
What do I do with my dreams? Take on the sacred mantle of Visionary Artist and Teacher.
Becoming an Intentional Creativity Teacher and Guild Member:
Return to the Center of the Alchemical Compass at the Heart to claim and embody the wisdom of the Intentional Creativity® Teacher you have become. A full-circle moment where you include Intentional Creativity® Teacher and Graduate as a new part of your Legendary Self, and enter the Guild with our growing community of Intentional Creativity® Teacher Graduates who share their sacred work and work together as colleagues and partners and sisters.
Color of Woman includes the year long CODEX Intentional Creativity Course with Shiloh Sophia exploring the lineage and teachings of our approach.
You are invited to explore the curation of consciousness through a creative framework, as well as see yourself as a woman with her own content to explore.
This painting completes with an invitation to include the tools of your craft in the painting and a cosmic self-portrait of the integrated you. CODEX is delivered throughout Color of Woman Training and in the months afterward so you have one painting that threads through the curriculum.
View the CODEX Museum exhibit to experience more
If you are new to painting, many use the framework taught in this Teacher Training, known as the 13-step method, which is what you see in the images on this page. The painting process can be duplicated along with any theme you desire to teach. What is taught in the training is not exclusive to the 13-step method. We also teach Intentional Creativity® session 'mini workshops' that you can do with simple watercolor paper and paint, as well as how to lead Red Thread Circle in person and online.
At the heart of the Color of Woman Training is an integration of your personal path with your life work path. When there is alignment, we call this your soul work or sacred assignment. Women who walk between two worlds are often seeking the form through which they can live a life where all aspects of themselves get to be included, celebrated, and create abundance! Color of Woman is a quest that is capable of integrating the many facets of powerfully unique and complex women. The portal of possibility opens!
When you paint with the support of an Intentional Creativity® Teacher, she is there to provide inquiries, and insights into potentials for your process, and the experience of doing it. Your painting does not need to look like hers, even though it is offered step by step. Your painting is YOUR PAINTING. You can think of the teacher's painting as suggestions or ideas or a model of what you might want to explore yet the intention is not to duplicate what she created. This isn’t a paint-by-number.
That said - We find that when our students are just starting out they tend to follow the pattern. The process is there if you need it but again make it totally your own. As you consider applying for Color of Woman, The Intentional Creativity® Teacher Training - note that YOU can teach what you learn and modify the process to fit any theme that you are called to teach about.
Break the mold as you always have. You are an original, baby!
You do not have to be an experienced painter, most of our students are not. Many who were professional college-trained artists say they learned more about painting from Shiloh Sophia (a rogue artist) than they did in school! WHA??? Read more shares from our graduates here.
Yes, you can earn while you learn!
You are encouraged to teach during the training as soon as you feel ready and are called.
"When I pushed the button to apply for Color of Woman Teacher Certification program in 2013, I had NO IDEA what I was saying YES to! I followed my intuition and here I am 9 years later. One of the best decisions of my life - NEVER looked back. LOVE IT - This program is life-transforming, healing, and awakening. Highly recommend you check it out if you feel even a little of the calling!" ~ Uma Mulnick
These paintings are from a 2019 Graduate who gave herself Color of Woman as a present for her 60th birthday! Each is one of the 5 Archetypal paintings you will create with your own flavor and style during the training. Get ready for BIG strokes and BOLD color!
Color of Woman: Intentional Creativity® Teacher Certification Training is a 9-month quest.
Upon acceptance and enrollment, our team begins to prepare you for this adventure of a lifetime. You are supported before and after the training from our team - usually, a year and a half is our minimum cycle of support for most students transitioning into the training, graduation, and then into the Intentional Creativity® Guild.
You might be wondering "Do I have time for a training like this?" Color of Woman is an investment of resources - your time, energy, and finances. This is a quest that goes deep into the heart of your soul work and does require that you show up for yourself to complete your Certification. That said, we have women join us who are mothers, full-time workers, caregivers of elderly parents, in college, as well as retired.
We have been delivering online classes since 2010. We have a very structured flow of information you can count on and also space for you to work through the curriculum at a pace that works for you and your schedule. In the beginning, we suggest 4-8 hours per week as you get into your own groove and can assess what is needed based on your working pace.
We provide assignments throughout the 9 months. These include the 5 Archetypal Paintings as well as written assignments and hands-on sessions, and workshops that can be taught online. All of your assignments will be included in your Portfolio that will be compiled as we go along and submitted at the end of the training as completion of your Certification. We provide instruction for how to do this so you feel supported through the process.
Born this Way: Legendary Self Portrait by Shiloh Sophia
"Shiloh, you awoke a part of me that was asleep. I mark the Color of Woman course as a year that shook me to the bone. Before I was just sleepwalking through this life. I see that through your brush you wave it like a wand. Bringing magic and truth to women who are sleeping." ~ Sarah Sutton
Each student receives a multi-media rich experience delivered through a private online classroom, twice monthly LIVE Zoom Calls and connection with students and our support team through our iMusea community app.
Here is a broad scope of what you receive, including a wealth of resources, classes, videos, community interaction, support from graduates and so much more...
Teaching Modules from Shiloh Sophia:
How to lead Red Thread Circles
Intentional Creativity® Sessions
Mountain Session Teachings
13 Step Intentional Creativity® Workshops
During Color of Woman we empower you to develop your own body of work through creating your own business, non-profit, or whatever way you are called to bring your gifts to life in a way that can provide abundance to you while serving others. Here is an overview of specific teachings you receive to support you in bringing your vision to life!
Here is an example of the Vision Plan Book, which is what you will submit at the end of the training for your Certification. The book is a beautiful way to document your 9-month journey and quest into the heart of your soul work. You will work on compiling the contents as you go along during the training, and in the end, have a gorgeous book to showcase the greatest body of work you have ever done.
"Time to Go Wild" Vision Plan Book by Sylvia Becker-Hill
Community, Circles, Coaching, and Communications
To provide a more interactive and intimate experience, we use Zoom Technology for our calls. You can join us via video or phone. Here is a photo from our Red Thread Guide Certification Training. It's so cool to SEE each other in our own environments! If you haven't used Zoom, it's very user friendly and we will provide a tutorial.
This was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Color of Woman gave me the ability to offer women a safe circle to heal and create in. Every time I call in a red thread circle I feel the love of this lineage weaving its way into my guidance. The artists in my circles have what they need to be the change we surely need on the planet right now. This program is worth your time and investment because its ripple effect will be profound. ~ Jane Sanguinetti
Legend: MALIKA - Queen of the 7 Feminine Powers
Artist Talisman by Gina Rivers
Artist Talisman : My Vision is Clear by Margie Bettiol
Legend by Sherle Stevens
Visionary by Sherre Hulbert
Legend: Grandmother Moon- Unconditional Love by Sharon Handy
Alchemist Soulfire by Angela Hernandez
Muse : Beyond the Veil by Martha Linden
Artist Talisman : She Who is Present with Beauty by Kelly Crandall
Glowing in the wind by Irma Garcia Villalaz
LEGEND is your first of 5 Archetypal Paintings for the Color of Woman Training. LEGEND is an introductory yet life-changing class based on brain science, transpersonal psychology, and Intentional Creativity®. LEGEND is designed for absolute beginners to experience a journey that will influence how every woman sees herself, her body, her story, and her archetype.
We ask that each student take this course as it creates the foundational story, legend, and mythos for your nine-month quest.
If you have already taken Legend within the last 10 years, then the prerequisite requirement is fulfilled. Many students choose to do a fresh painting of their Legend to discover new wisdom and insight.
If you have not taken Legend, you can still apply for Color of Woman now. There is an additional investment to take Legend with options to apply for partial scholarships. Our team will assist you with registration. We provide plenty of time for you to complete your Legend painting before we begin.
Shiloh Sophia: She Loves - She Sees Beyond the Fear
"Thank you, Shiloh Sophia! Your teachings changed my life many times in the last 9 years. I've done 3 Legends and signed up for VIVID because I'm ready for the next shift. The last Legend Oracle and Ally were mind-blowing! Many symbols I painted in 2019 for Legend I saw happened in 2020 - I am the Oracle! My consciousness (sub and un-consciousness) already knew what was coming. This experience made me see myself in a new way. Thank you again!"
~ Intentional Creativity Teacher, Evelyne Verret
"This program is life-changing, the expanded experience of self discovery and ongoing community is one that is ever deepening. Through the years after the coursework, I continue to engage with our Circle as well as developing my steady painting practice, selling my art, and engaging in one on one mentoring. Intentional Creativity empowers the evolution of my work and original voice in the world."
~ Kendall Scott: United States
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