Applications are currently closed. Join the waiting list to stay up to date on when we re-open.

Women are gathering.
Can you feel the rumble in your bones?
Will you answer the call?

Color of Woman is a Teacher Training based on the Work of MUSEA Curate, Shiloh Sophia
Applications open April 15th. Get on the waiting list and receive an email notification..

Join Waiting List

2025 is the final year this certification will be offered.

This is a Self-Initiation in Visionary Leadership and the Sacred Feminine
with a curriculum in Intuitive Painting + StoryTelling + Sacred Circle

A 9-month virtual training with two optional in-person gatherings
Begins June 21, 2025

Featuring Shiloh Sophia with Color of Woman Graduates
Amber Kuileimailani Bonnici, NaaKwarley Amissah, Liz Chamberlain
with Lead Coach Mary MacDonald and Director Jena Owen

Join us for the journey of a lifetime! Transform your inner and outer worlds, explore your authentic voice, rewrite your story, see yourself as you truly are.

Activate your Soul Work in the world in this 9-month immersion experience travelling through the 5 Feminine Archetypes of the Alchemical Compass.

In this training you will:

Visionary Leadership

Learn to Guide Circles, Workshops and Coaching Sessions with Intuitive Painting, Storytelling and Circle

Dream Offering

Design your own Curriculum based on your Content including designing your ideal workshop/retreat/course

Manifest Your Book

Make Your Mark by Creating a book of your own innate wisdom with your ideas, images, and dreams.

Ready? Apply now, Book Your Interview with Shiloh Sophia and Chart Your Course.
Limited interviews are available and filling up quickly.

Options for financing and partial scholarships will be covered in the Application. Yet, please consider reviewing the Investment details before submitting your application. We have a prerequisite called LEGEND and we will share more about that in the Interview.

You came here for a reason.
You feel it. Let's gather together and discover
Your big why.

COLOR OF WOMAN is an INITIATION of the HEART, bringing you into full alignment with Your Soul Calling.

Will you become a part of the Intentional Creativity lineage in 2025?

The Healing Arts Matriarch
Legend 2022 Painting by Shiloh Sophia

Since 2010, more than one thousand students have transformed their lives, discovered their great work, and actualized their true calling in the world through the Color of Woman Intentional Creativity® Teacher Certification Training.

Color of Woman was created for women and those aligned with the feminine who desire to create authentically, express fully, and serve the world with their contributions and gifts.

You are healers & shamans, artists & educators, coaches & guides, mamas & community leaders, way-showers & wisdom-keepers. We are woven together as a community by the Red Thread, and we join together in sacred circle to explore and activate in our lives and the world the Five Feminine Archetypes or Five Feminine Energies. Access to the power of these archetypes offers the key to every woman's Soul Calling.

Color of Woman offers you the gift of your soul-self. You will discover a new story, your aligned story of who you choose to be in your inner and outer world. You will be lovingly guided as you learn to express who you are with conviction and compassion. No matter your preferred creative outlet - writing, painting, performing, singing, leading, guiding, being - the creative impulse that lives in every human soul will be nurtured, cultivated, and strengthened.

What has been holding you back is alchemized into what creates the path ahead. For those who want to serve with their gifts in the great unfolding, you will be empowered to speak your truth and to be heard in powerful new ways. When you self-initiate by creating a body of work that includes five paintings and the creation of your own book, your life elevates to the next level of your purpose.

If you feel called to gather in a sacred circle and share your deepest knowledge and gifts within the 2025 Cohort, then Color of Woman is for you. Color of Woman is a self-initiation that will bring you face to face – literally – with your Soul.

Nothing will be the same once you experience the depth and beauty of who you are and what you are bringing forward - body, mind, soul and self-expression.

Begin your journey now into the heart of your Soul's work!

The Color of Woman Curriculum is called the Alchemical Compass. This material is rooted in the exploration of five feminine Archetypes that move you through hidden worlds to discover and reveal the content that you want to translate into your own body of work through paintings, writings and the making of a book.

You came into this life with information, your soul codes that are specific to you this lifetime. Who you actually are, and what you are here to bring to life. The Intentional Creativity® Method will show you how to gain access to those precious codes.

Intentional Creativity offers you direct access to expressing your innate knowing. Gnosis happens when you offer your Soul a pathway to speak to you and through you. This is HOW to answer your Soul Calling and reveal the Heart of what truly matters to you.

A Time for Rebirthing is Here

"We live in uncommon times. The pressures on women in this particular timeline are intensifying. After working with thousands of women, my sense is that - there is no time like the present to embody YOUR sacred work and answer your Soul Calling.

A proven nine month sacred container will be a self-initiation in the good company of other women visionary leaders. Rebirthing is our choice. Color of Woman will show you the way"- Shiloh Sophia

Gathering of the Tribes Painting by Shiloh Sophia 2007

In the COLOR of WOMAN experience You will....

  • Know with certainty what you are here to cause and create.
  • Activate your truest voice through guided painting journeys.
  • Live your story, not the one you have been carrying around for decades, but the one that fully expresses WHO you actually are and WHAT you are actually on earth to bring forward.
  • Embody the fullness of your identity.
  • Finally, answer the question, "What is mine to experience in this lifetime?"
  • Experience the joy you know is possible.

Color of Woman is the answer to embracing your Soul Calling.

"This photo was just taken on March 13 - as I was blessing the paper and inviting all of my students to bless the paper with me. You can tell from my face, how this is the greatest joy for me. " ~ Shiloh Sophia (Photo by Sylvia Becker-Hill)

Applications are Due Now
As soon as you apply you will be able to book a session with Shiloh Sophia
Please review this page and the Tuition page above.

Optional in person gatherings with Shiloh Sophia at MUSEA Sonoma:
The MUSE Opening July
ALL TRIBES Community Gathering and Graduation March

Please consider reviewing the Investment details before submitting your application.

Since 2000 Shiloh Sophia has been the Curate for women's spaces. This is our Sonoma location where we broadcast live, and where our community gathers for circle.

"Creative Expression is how the Soul communicates. Everyone needs a time in their life when they are FREE to explore how their inner world informs the world around them. We are all equally creative. It is through creativity that we each realize liberation!"
~ Shiloh Sophia

About Intentional Creativity®

Every act of creation is intentional.
The question is, are we conscious enough to have influence?
Yes, we are, and Intentional Creativity is the pathway.

Intentional Creativity® is a powerful approach to personal transformation through making art with intention, inquiry, and observation. Our work transcends traditional notions of the role of art and artistic talent. This has nothing to do with making good art - it is about the sacred process that occurs while in the act of creating. Intentional creativity offers access to consciousness itself.

Rooted in a legacy of teachings dating back to the late 1930s, this discipline integrates self-expression, intuition, ritual, mindfulness, embodiment, and connection to community to create a direct path to personal transformation.

Intentional Creativity® invites individuals—regardless of artistic experience—to use creativity to reveal and explore our personal stories and beliefs, to choose that which is aligned with our truth, and to craft a new story rooted in who you actually are and what you are here to cause and create.

Developed and refined over the past 30 years, this approach has impacted tens of thousands through online and in-person gatherings. Our curriculum offers a structured yet intuitive framework, so there is plenty of accountability while creating spaciousness for you to do things your way. Are you curious about a profound way to engage with your creativity as a tool for self-discovery, empowerment, and collective healing? You found it.

The Benefits of Intentional Creativity® reach every area of your life. We continue to be amazed and blessed by the results of this work. Most people say this is the one thing in their life that pulled all the other parts of their life into alignment. Color of Woman offers a throughline to your life experience - bringing it into one whole featuring your body of work. When you certify, you are certifying to lead Intentional Creativity in collaboration with your own offerings.

  • Healing & Transformation – Intentional Creativity is a channel for processing emotions, uncovering insights, shifting perspectives, and giving you a fresh start.
  • Mindfulness & Presence – Each intentional process becomes a meditation, fostering greater self-awareness and clarity.
  • Self-Expression – When a woman knows who she is and what she is here to express, she is empowered.
  • Community & Connection – Through shared creative experiences, individuals connect more deeply with themselves, each other, and the world.

"Making art is not just for those who are gifted or creative but is a way for all beings to access their own stories, ideas, beliefs, and healing pathways.” ~Shiloh Sophia

Co-Leadership at MUSEA Center

Our Color of Woman Team has a collective 30+ years, supporting tens of thousands of people, having raised millions of dollars to impact the world of women's work. We have been in the top of our fields teaching online business, leading in person retreats, running non-profits, showing work in galleries, running coaching programs, and company divisions. In addition, we have over 600 graduates to support you throughout the process. You are never alone. 

Why we do what we do: We believe in creating a compassionate culture informed by conscious, creative, caring community. Consciousness offers access to our multifaceted Soul. To achieve the fullest consciousness available is a choice each of us can make, or not. Practicing Intentional Creativity is an invitation to become as conscious as you are capable of being. More self-expression, healing and joy is available, and that is what we teach at MUSEA. How to get there, and why.

Founder Shiloh Sophia Shared about
Intentional Creativity®

"Intentional Creativity is a creative spiritual practice and a lifestyle choice. We create what we create with love and mindfulness. This approach to self-expression can be applied to any medium, including painting, writing, sculpting, jewelry, and the arts, but also to cooking, bodywork, gardening, dancing, singing, coaching, and conversation. Any medium can be used by people from all professions to easily add this feature to their existing work to offer a fresh, dynamic opportunity for clients to engage in the healing arts and awakened consciousness.

Intentional Creativity is one of the most potent tools to end suffering, create resiliency and state change, reduce stress, and breakthrough. We aren't just 'making art for art's sake', we are making art that transforms lives.

You can't believe what happens in women's lives when they spend time creating in this way! Finding their authentic voice, image, and story is a gorgeous revelation to witness!

I am grateful to share this work based on 30 years of research, which has touched tens of thousands of women worldwide.

Please review the investment details before submitting your application.

The Color of Woman Curriculum
Paint, Write, & Discover Through the Five Feminine Archetypes

Color of Woman is more than a training—it’s a quest. This nine-month journey guides you to uncover your own unique voice while preparing you to teach Intentional Creativity®.

Through The Alchemical Compass, a dynamic framework for transformation, you will move through five distinct terrains based on feminine archetypes—each designed to integrate, catalyze, and evolve your creative practice. In each area you will write and paint from the perspective of the archetypes.

Along the way, you will build a powerful body of work, including five major archetypal paintings, writing explorations, and intentional actions that shape your life, work, and impact. This is deep, life-altering work. The structured container of the compass and archetypes provides the foundation you need to experience true creative freedom.

The Alchemical Compass

The Legendary Self: Center
Transform Your Story

Be guided by the compass of your heart.

Connect with your Legendary Self, your internal storyteller and image maker, who is at the heart of your identity revealed through your Legend experience.

The Muse: North

Heal Your Imagination

Gain ACCESS to the Territory of the Muse

Gather your stories and carve a chart for your course.
Answer the call to adventure and learn to navigate your path.

The Artist: East

Claim Your Creative Being

Embody Your Power to CREATE Your Content
Access your unique contribution and begin to bring it into form.
Claim yourself as a creative being worthy of a self-expressed life.

The Alchemist: South

Embody Your Sacred Entrepreneur
Claim Your CHOICE to Be at Cause for Transformation

Connect with the love for your Beloveds
and your Source.

Begin to live from your passionately empowered Soul Work.

The Visionary: West

CAUSE Your Soul Work in the World as Life Work
Take on the sacred mantle of Visionary Artist and Teacher.

Design your pathway for teaching this work to your Beloveds

Color of Woman is your path if you feel called to bring healing, storytelling, circle and liberating self-expression to yourself and others through art.

The 13-Step Intentional Creativity® Method

You will learn a process for connecting with your Soul and bringing what you discover into view using the 13-step Intentional Creativity Method. Many of the images you see on these pages, Shiloh's and student images, have been created using this process as the gateway.

This powerful method of creative discovery can be applied to any creative endeavor, including the healing arts, as all creativity is fundamentally a healing process. This work has been used in prisons, schools, hospitals, clinics, therapy, recovery work and at university.

At the heart of the Color of Woman Training is discovering your Soul's true calling and integrating what you discover your Soul-work. We call this discovery your sacred assignment - that which is yours to cause and create.

If you are living your life but feeling unfulfilled or restless, this journey will bring you to a state of wholeness. Imagine a space in which all aspects of yourself are celebrated, including your purpose, your passion, and the big dreams you haven't been able to realize yet. You KNOW you are meant for something greater.

This Self Initiation
is the experience from which true abundance can spring forth as a portal of possibility! Truly, there is a deep rooted enthusiasm that arises in our lives when we actually CHOOSE to say a full bodied YES!

We will show you how to lead this work in a diversity of ways including in hour long sessions virtually like coaching, but also how to use it with guided journeys, in corporate settings, and in luxury retreats. Any way you ALREADY offer your work - Intentional Creativity can add and amplify the diversity and richness of your offerings.

Teaching Modules Include

  • Learning how to lead Red Thread Circles, Workshops and Retreats with Intentional Creativity processes.
  • 5 Foundational Major Painting Modules through the Archetypes
  • The Intentional Creativity Guide 250+ pages
  • Red Thread Circle Guide 290+ pages
  • 10+ Intentional Creativity Session Templates and Teachings
  • 5+ Intentional Creativity Painting Course Templates
  • Over 100 hours of Teaching Videos (3 hrs. of instructional viewing per week)

Community, Circles, and Coaching

  • Two Monthly Community and Coaching Circles
  • Community Circle with Shiloh Sophia
  • Graduate Support Team
  • Private Classroom and the iMusea app
  • Private Coaching with Mary MacDonald to support you with the business vision
  • Weekly email check-ins tracking content and assignments shared to date and what is upcoming in the next week with Curriculum Director, Jenafer Owen

Intentional Creativity in collaboration with your work in the world

For those of you who are guides of others, this exploration calls upon you to access and unlock your sacred information, redefine how you wish to serve with your gifts, and clarify who you wish to work with in the future. You will develop a creative process that is unique to you while learning the essential teachings of Intentional Creativity.

Through learning the essential teachings of Intentional Creativity that you can use for the rest of your life, you will also develop unique creative processes that you can share with your beloved clients. If you lead workshops, guide circles, offer coaching, make presentations or lead journeys of any kind in any field, you will be able to amplify your offerings, increase your pricing, and bring living color to your offerings. Talk about a unique edge! In the age of AI and mass production - a truly authentic person living their soul calling is a powerful stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Color of Woman Training accesses and liberates YOUR innate self-expression. Your innate self-expression SHOWS you the pathway to your Soul Calling.

Color of Woman shares a lineage of teachings passed from hand to hand and heart to heart. Intentional Creativity is as old as the first humans who created art and began to tell their story on rock walls with red ochre. Here at MUSEA, our lineage dates back close to 100 years, starting with our Art Ancestors, two women who passed their teachings onto two women who passed them onto Shiloh Sophia.

Color of Woman invites participants to inhabit the fullness of the Artist-self and learn to guide others to awaken their Artist-selves through Intentional Creativity.

We are so glad you are considering joining us, so we want to share about what Intentional Creativity is and why you would want to explore it as part of your life path.

Color of Woman 2019 Graduation Gathering in Santa Cruz, California

2023 Cura Council Guild gathering honoring our Intentional Creativity Graduates

Color of Woman welcomes all ages!

Students in their 20s to elders in their 80s are welcome and embraced in the circle. We benefit from our shared experiences, wisdom, new ideas, and fresh perspectives.

We collaborate with all cultural traditions, and orientations. Celebrating the beauty of our diversity in our expression of the Divine Feminine.

We would love to add your dot to the map below representing over 600 Intentional Creativity graduates who are now part of the Guild.

If you identify as Black, Indigenous or a Woman of Color you are invited to join us for monthly gatherings hosted by Color of Woman Graduates. Our DEI work continues powerfully through our lineage.

Painting - A Red Thread Runs Through Us by Phyllis Anne Taylor, A Color of Woman Graduate

Become Part of Our Legacy

MUSEA is the largest and most well-established school for art and creative expression devoted to the images and stories of women in the world. Our lineage continues today as we pass our most potent teachings to you, the women born to create, express, and lead in the 21st Century.

Become A Leader in Your Community and Our Community

This training is an Intuitive Painting + Storytelling Certification to experience, learn and teach Intentional Creativity®. The educational path includes guiding experiences for your guests both in person and in virtual settings. From individual sessions to large groups, this is easy to adapt to any setting in any field.

Priority Enrollment is March 14-23 and offers $1000 Savings.
Ready? Apply now, Book Your Interview with Shiloh Sophia and Chart Your Course.

Join Waiting List

Please review the investment details and information about LEGEND before submitting your application.

Would you like to learn more about us? Here are some quick links to explore.

Learn about Our Lineage 

What Color of Woman Graduates
Say About the Training

"I really appreciate the organization and delivery of this course. Color of Woman has been very good for me. I’ve loved exploring the depths of my psyche, painting, healing, finding my voice, and reclaiming my power. I’ve loved being in communion with exciting women around the globe. This reinforced my sense of social justice and equanimity. Prior to my engagement with Intentional Creativity, I was lost to myself, a mere shadow of who I was and who I can be. This has been a healing journey for me. Sending much love and gratitude."

~ 2023 Color of Woman Student, Daria Cronic

"I am amazed, looking back now, at the magnitude of the work I feel I have done, we all have, in this program. I feel I have stumbled onto my truest passion, albeit at age 72! Color of Woman has given me an entirely new way of relating to myself and to the world, and much, much more than I can possibly say. Now I need to grow my wings. I just started reading more of the Vision Book and all the wisdom and insights I gained getting to know Caron and Eden McCloud. Lots of beautifully written and rendered gems of wisdom and inspiration. I can picture little Shiloh. Everyone on the team has been wonderful and supportive. I scrolled through some of my old posts and there was so much thoughtfulness, time, encouragement, and kindness that was given by the entire Team throughout my journey, all along the way. Thank you so much for all the love, guidance, and magic eyes. I would have never thought two years ago, after having seen much uncertainty with medical treatment, the state of the country and world, hand surgery, and COVID within those two years, that I had the best time of my life ahead of me. I feel incredibly fortunate and privileged to be here and part of this special community of divine goddesses."

~2023 Color of Woman Student, Susan Bessey

"What an amazing experience. Beyond anything I imagined., what I got from it, what you gave, what each staff person gave...worth every single penny. Much more than I anticipated. I love you all. "

~ 2021 Color of Woman Graduate Intentional Creativity Teacher, Robin Wiggs

"Color of Woman is an incredible journey to examine your heart and soul and learn how to put one foot in front of the other and MAKE YOUR DREAMS HAPPEN! This has been so meaningful for me. People who know me see the changes and see me stepping into my life courageously. I have so much gratitude for Shiloh, the many supportive teachers, and my dear sisters traveling this path alongside me. We have all encouraged and witnessed each other on the way. Such a blessing!"

~ Intentional Creativity® Teacher, Patty Iammatteo: United States 2018

View Student Work

Please review the investment details before submitting your application.

Your Color of Woman Experience

Most women say this is one of the most meaningful experiences of their lives. They say they are forever changed after attending Color of Woman.

Many also say that the training has opened doors to new worlds they never imagined were possible in their work. Intentional Creativity offers a life-affirming process and practice for you to offer to the clients and beloveds that you serve.


Learn to teach Intentional Creativity® and integrate it into your work—whether supporting clients through trauma, grief, or transformation.

You’ll receive two essential manuals, The Intentional Creativity Guide and The Way of the Red Thread, providing everything you need to learn, practice, and teach this transformative approach.


For over 30 years, MUSEA has fostered a deeply connected community. Through the process of Intentional Creativity® women have gathered in kinship, creativity, healing, and leadership.

This is more than a moment—it’s a legacy. Our vision spans 500 years, growing together as creatives, activists, healers, and teachers, shaping a future that is truly our own.


Create a powerful body of work with paintings and stories that become part of your personal Portfolio—a book showcasing your art and journey.

With step-by-step guidance, a private learning community, trained support, and live and recorded content, you'll complete your 9-month quest with a meaningful portfolio and your own book.

What You Can Expect to Receive

Practicing Intentional Creativity opens access to your inner world. Expand your consciousness, invite possibility thinking, experience right-brain/left-brain heart alignment, and develop creative process skills.

Be supported, deeply held, and loved within a community of creatives!

Access Your Internal Wisdom and Learn to Share Your Gifts

What would you create in your life if you could courageously create a life path that reflects who you truly are, inside and out?

At MUSEA University, we hold true that each woman has an internal codex of information that is unique to her and who she is. Our practice of intuitive painting, storytelling and circle creates the 'perfect storm' that invites this internal wisdom to move from the invisible realms to the visible realms. The painting is the artifact that remains, the evidence, and serves as a visual symbol and oracle of insight.

Awaken Within a Creative Spiritual Practice

How would it feel to have an integrated whole system practice that includes your heart, body, mind, field, and soul?

The act of creating is a sacred practice, a way of connecting with the Spirit of Life. At times, we experience art as a calling from the universe, and our response can be painting images that bring healing and possibilities that didn’t exist before.

We believe artists of all genres balance the scales of the universe by contributing to the profound medicine of beauty. Intentional Creativity® brings beauty while creating a deeper level of internal access to your soul's desires, which we call your soul work.

Be Connected with a Global Network of Inspiring Women

Joining this community not only brings self-expression and creativity into your life and teachings, but a community. A connection with like-hearted WISE and WILD women around the world - both online and in person. Most people say they have never experienced a community like this before. And while there are over 10,000 women in our circle, we have over 600 teachers who work together and collaborate as the Intentional Creativity Guild.

If you feel the call,
Your soul is whispering,
Creativity is calling,
You know you have sacred work to share,
This is your invitation to join us.

I will see you in circle (and in our interview!)

~ Shiloh Sophia

Review the investment details before submitting your application.